The Leaving Cert

So, the Leaving Cert starts today with English this morning and Home Economics this afternoon! It brings back lots of memories for us, some good and some bad. One of our worst memories was Irish and maths taking place on the same day. As always, we are expecting the sun to shine for the next few weeks, as students across Ireland get ready to sit what’s probably the biggest set of exams they will do in their life.
Leaving Cert year is often a bitter sweet time in school, as you become extra close to friends and class mates, as everyone is anxious about their college choices and stressed about sitting exams. The end of the exams usually marks a big party or a holiday abroad to celebrate, a trend that has grown over the past few years, and then, everyone goes their separate ways to college, on a gap year or to work.
If we could go back and talk to our 17 or 18 year old selves we would say; choose the subjects that you are most interested in and not those that you feel you should do and you will get better grades, don’t be so worried, there is a life after the Leaving Cert and remember all you can do is your best, things always work out in the end.